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Music & Lyrics: Gideon Lo XinSheng
Chords for Verse:
D A Bm G
A D G A7 F#m Bm G A D
Chords for Chorus:
G A D G A Bm
G A7 D A7 Bm
(G A D Bm) x2
(G A D ) x 2
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and
just to forgive, to forgive us of all our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
So dear brother, do not be discouraged.
Remember how much Jesus loves you.
He loves you as the apple of His eye.
He esteems you as precious treasure.
Like the treasure hidden in a field,
A man found and he hides it.
And for joy over it, he went and sold,
all that he had to buy that field.
As the treasure hidden in a field,
He has likened us hidden in the world.
For this treasure, He gave His life, His all.
To buy that field, He paid the high price once and for all.
To make us His, He bled, He died; He rose up for us all.
My dear brother, don’t doubt how much He loves you.
Brothers, sisters, this is how much He loves us.
(Ref — 1 John 1:9)
(Parable of Hidden Treasure — Matt 13 : 44)