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Title: Not Just One
Lyrics: Jason Lim KaiSeong
Music: Gideon Lo XinSheng
Stanza 1
Not just one Abraham who obeyed when called
Not just one Isaac who feared his God by faith
Not just one Jacob who wrestled from dusk to dawn
Just to know His Name and see His Face
No! Not just one man, but one chosen generation,
A royal priesthood, one holy nation, Lord –
All because of Your eternal promise and mercies,
We became a special group of people.
Stanza 2
Not just one Joseph who knew what his dreams meant
But many more who knows how it would all end
Not just one Moses who chose to be with His People
But many more who are His, stand together as One.
Stanza 3
Not just Joshua, Caleb who boldly went
Confirming His word by possessing the land
Not just two, though His word says two is better than one
But many more who are His, Fight together as One.